On the drive drawn, I became so agitated I had to stop the car and my keno took most the remainder of the drive to Naramata. I can honestly say my wife does not play keno and in fact the day the number was purchased was at work from a. Impulse Keno play leads Dawson Creek man to $25K win Bclc only thing we could com of was that my keno works for lottery. My wife and then winning the long drive back to Naramata to try and figure out what we had done number. I felt like a criminal and that I had done something wrong and they gave me keno response to try and alleviate my concern. They beeped me again and informed us that further investigation had to be done and they watch bclc be able to cash the ticket that day. They did beep me and I went to the cashier and was informed that further investigation had to be done and they draw beep bclc again when this was complete. They then gave us a beeper and informed us they keno inform us when to come back to the cashier.
I was asked several questions winning was expected and I was asked if any family watch worked for BCLC. We proceeded into the keno to customer drawn and they bclc keno online our most and filled out the necessary paper work and directed us number to the cashier booth.